Daegu EPIK/ UCC Training

Just finished up two weekends worth of training with the UCC center in Daegu. WOW was it a long 2 weekends. Despite the long long weekends and many trials and tribulations, we all made it through alive. The participants were fantastic and had so many great things to share. I love in-service trainings. This is where we as educators get to practice critical thinking, reflection, and professional development. Additionally it was a mixed training. Both KETs and NETs were there. It was my first time training them together. I had always hoped for this but no one has really done it. It turned out fantastic. I got to meet so many teachers and heard from both sides of the cultural perspective on teaching in Korea. It was amazing seeing teachers that shared one passion for teaching our students work, talk, and build relationships together to further strenghten ourselves as educators.  I always come away from inservice trainings with so many new ideas and a reaffirmation of my love of teaching. Thank you my fellow educators for this. Thank you for letting me help in your classrooms and your growth as an educator. Most of all thank you for helping me grow. Below are the links to all of my training materials. Please leave a comment, question, or teaching tip for others. Thanks again for a great training! I’m gonna go soak my feet and do some more reflection from these past 2 weekends.

Pleneray Students Centered Teaching, Warmer, Wrap Ups

GTKY Plenary

Warmer 1

Warmer 2

Pronunciation Training

Teaching Pronunciation Elementary PPT

Pronunciation Activity Worksheet

Teaching Pronunciation Secondary 

Vocabulary Training 

Teaching Vocabulary PPT

Teaching Vocabulary Worksheet

Co-teaching Training 

Models of Co-teaching_Part A PPT

Models of Co-teaching_Part B PPT

Co-teaching Worksheet_Psrt A

Co-teaching Worksheet_Part B

Giving Instructions, Modeling, & CCQs

Giving Instructions PPT T

Modeling_CCQ PPT

Planning Instructions/CCQ – Worksheet

Working Across Cultures:

 Working Across Cultures PPT