2017 Bundang EPIK Training


I haven’t updated my blog in about a year or so. A quick overview of what I’ve did and am doing now. I went back to the U.S.  where I worked at a middle school and then left it (more to come on that). Basically it has gotten even worse in the U.S/ Florida for teaching and education in general. It was heart breaking and ridiculous the condition that the school system is over there. I feel more at home in Korea as this will be my 7th year teaching here, finally surpassing the number of years I have taught in the U.S. I recently finished up another EPIK training. It was was so nice to see old colleagues and staff members, and once again be reinvigorated by the new EPIK/ GEPIK teachers. This training I was the first foreigner to ever do the Elementary English Curriculum lecture! It is basically an overview of the curriculum over here in Korea. It has been a lecture we have been asking for since I an EPIK teacher. I really wish I had this lecture when I was an EPIK teacher. I really struggled with understanding the context, goals, and purpose of the education system I was working in. I hope this training provided that for the new teachers. Below I have attached my ppt for this lecture and upon request a link to a previous lecture on giving directions. Let me know if you all have any questions or need any help. Keep reflecting and assessing!


Elementary English Curriculum

Giving Instructions


Daegu EPIK/ UCC Training

Just finished up two weekends worth of training with the UCC center in Daegu. WOW was it a long 2 weekends. Despite the long long weekends and many trials and tribulations, we all made it through alive. The participants were fantastic and had so many great things to share. I love in-service trainings. This is where we as educators get to practice critical thinking, reflection, and professional development. Additionally it was a mixed training. Both KETs and NETs were there. It was my first time training them together. I had always hoped for this but no one has really done it. It turned out fantastic. I got to meet so many teachers and heard from both sides of the cultural perspective on teaching in Korea. It was amazing seeing teachers that shared one passion for teaching our students work, talk, and build relationships together to further strenghten ourselves as educators.  I always come away from inservice trainings with so many new ideas and a reaffirmation of my love of teaching. Thank you my fellow educators for this. Thank you for letting me help in your classrooms and your growth as an educator. Most of all thank you for helping me grow. Below are the links to all of my training materials. Please leave a comment, question, or teaching tip for others. Thanks again for a great training! I’m gonna go soak my feet and do some more reflection from these past 2 weekends.

Pleneray Students Centered Teaching, Warmer, Wrap Ups

GTKY Plenary

Warmer 1

Warmer 2

Pronunciation Training

Teaching Pronunciation Elementary PPT

Pronunciation Activity Worksheet

Teaching Pronunciation Secondary 

Vocabulary Training 

Teaching Vocabulary PPT

Teaching Vocabulary Worksheet

Co-teaching Training 

Models of Co-teaching_Part A PPT

Models of Co-teaching_Part B PPT

Co-teaching Worksheet_Psrt A

Co-teaching Worksheet_Part B

Giving Instructions, Modeling, & CCQs

Giving Instructions PPT T

Modeling_CCQ PPT

Planning Instructions/CCQ – Worksheet

Working Across Cultures:

 Working Across Cultures PPT

Classroom Assessment

I just finished up lecturing for the 2013 11th Generation TaLK Scholar Orientation. I really enjoy lecturing at the TaLK orientations. The staff is always great, hardworking, and friendly. Seeing and spending time with such a great assortment of young educators from around the world is always inspiring. Many of the scholars are here for different reasons, some are here just to experience Korea, some are here to take some time off, some are here to get teaching experience, but no matter the reason all of them were sincerely interested in becoming a thoughtful and caring teacher.  I know when they leave Korea and go back to their homes they reflect upon their time here. This reflection might be just talking to some friends over a beer or two, looking at photos with friends and family, or even writing about their experiences on a blog. No matter if they consciously do it they all will take the time for reflection.

This brings me to my topic of classroom assessment. This was my first time teaching the classroom assessment portion of an orientation and while most of us are familiar with classroom assessment I wanted to focus this blog post on the reflection portion of the assessment cycle. Reflection has been a focus of mine for the last few years and as I have grown from being able to realize that I need to in fact engage in reflection to being able to anticipate issues before they happen, I still struggle with evaluating my classroom assessment strategies, primarily how effective my assessment as learning strategies are.

My main concerns are being able measure and show a correlation to the strategies used that show an effect size that is substantial enough to prove the strategy works.  So basically do my strategies really work and to what effect? This semester as I begin to work with the second semester freshman English conversation students for the first time, I plan to implement in full force assessment as learning to help to give reason and measurable and observable progress in their learning that the students themselves can monitor. With backing and guidance from my department head and colleagues we will be really pushing the limits of our students in this aspect in hopes of giving them a reason to not only stay in the department but more importantly fuel the spark that they have for being an English major into a unstoppable life long passion. So indeed there will be much reflection in how to “fuel this spark”.  Further blog posts will detail this and follow out progress but I want to leave with asking a few questions:

1. When you see this spark in your class, how do you fuel it with classroom assessment?

2. How do you provide your students will measurable and observable learner outcomes in the EFL classroom setting?

These are two questions that I will be constantly asking myself this semester. Let me know your thoughts on this. Have a great semester as we get started up again.  To the TaLK scholars fee free to leave questions or if you have a problem let me know. I will post up some links to my resources.

Training material:

Class Assessment Manuscript

Class Assessment PPT

http://www.waygook.org  Great teacher led forum with thousands of lessons and resources , i.e. the bomb game.

http://www.slideshare.net/LienadRasanoom  My slideshare page. Slide share is a great place to share your PPTs.

http://prezi.com/user/dmoonasar/  My Prezi page

 If you need anything in this folder feel free to use it and share.

Secondary Classroom Management/ Co-teaching

I just finished the EPIK April late intake orientation. It was interesting to see so many teachers that didn’t have the orientation before teaching. Most had been teaching a month or so and then came to this training. Many of them were less nervous than the regular intake orientation and ready to gain some practical methods to get their classes going. I always learn so much from training teachers. Thank you all for letting me train you. Below is my manuscript and ppt from the training. Feel free to comment and leave some tips for myself and others.

Secondary Classroom Management Co-teaching Manuscript

Secondary School Classroom Managment_ and Co-teaching PPT